Do You Start with Passion or Talent? Two Contrasting Approaches to Career Planning


  • Mark Julien Brock University
  • Gordon Schmidt University of Louisiana (Monroe)
  • Russell Clayton University of South Florida
  • Micheal Stratton Georgia College & State University


In this article, we present two TEDx Talks that focus on career planning. The presenters use diametrically opposing perspectives on whether passion fuels great careers or whether one finds passion after choosing one’s career. The versatility of these resources is highlighted both in terms of the audience (i.e., undergraduate or graduate) and the activity (in person or online discussion, as an assignment). We have found that these two presenters have been instrumental in student understanding of various core career planning concepts, such as the benefits of career planning, barriers to career planning, and career anchors.



2024-01-04 — Updated on 2024-01-08


How to Cite

Do You Start with Passion or Talent? Two Contrasting Approaches to Career Planning. (2024). Journal of Human Resources Education, 18(1), 1-13. (Original work published 2024)